Pitney Bowes D1600 Scanner User Manual

5 • Optical Mark Recognition (OMR)
5-14 SV40221 Rev. A
View OMR Code
This function lets a Supervisor view any current OMR codes, which
are stored in the machine’s memory.
Select View OMR Code from the OMR Menu screen.
A list of all the current OMR Codes will be displayed. Select the OMR
code you wish to view from the list using the ▲▼◄► keys in the
normal way.
The highlighted OMR code will then be displayed on the left side of
the screen.
If you require more detailed information about the code, either select
the relevant screen key for that code or press the OK key once the
relevant code has been highlighted.
Scroll up and down the selected OMR code by using the and
navigation keys to review detailed information about the selected
From this screen you can select the corresponding screen key to:
Delete this Code
View another Code
Return to OMR Menu
The representation of the OMR mark on the left hand
side of the screen will display as a dashed line if the
‘Absent’ option is selected.
This function is not available if there are no OMR codes
to view.
SV40221 Rev A book.indb 5-14 9/14/2004 5:51:19 PM