Pitney Bowes D1600 Scanner User Manual

5 • Optical Mark Recognition (OMR)
5-18 SV40221 Rev. A
OMR Scanner Adjustments
The machine can be fitted with one Top Scanner and one Bottom
Scanner. If the sheet(s) bearing OMR marks are loaded face up,
the Top Scanner will be used. If they are loaded face down, the
Bottom Scanner will be used. The loading orientation required for the
particular job will be shown on the Mail Piece Icon Tree and depends
on fold type, etc.
Aligning the Scanners
It is essential that the OMR Scanner being used is correctly aligned
over the OMR marks printed on the sheet(s). Failure to align the
scanner will result in scanning errors. It is therefore essential that the
scanner alignment is checked before commencing any OMR job.
Measure the OMR mark position
Take a sheet printed with the OMR marks to be used and fold it in
half in the direction of feed to locate the sheet’s center line. Now
measure from the center line to the center of the OMR marks in
millimetres. Take a note of this measurement (X).
X mm
center line
X mm
OMR marks
(position used
depends on
scanner location)
SV40221 Rev A book.indb 5-18 9/14/2004 5:51:20 PM