Pitney Bowes D1600 Scanner User Manual

1 • Introduction
1-14 SV40221 Rev. A
Common Terms
Throughout the machine screens and this guide, standard terms are
used to describe the elements of the Mail Piece and functions of the
It is therefore important that you fully understand the following basic
terms to get the best from your machine:
Sheet A single piece of paper that will require folding
by the machine before it is placed into an
Pre-Collated Set A set of sheets printed in a collated sequence
i.e. sheet 1, sheet 2, sheet 3, etc.
Stack A pile of paper as received from the printer
that will be loaded into a feeder (or feeders)
on the machine. A stack might consist of
numerous individual Sheets or numerous
Pre-Collated Sets, depending on how it was
Prime Sheet or
Prime Set
This sheet or set normally contains the
address. It will be positioned closest to the
envelope window, or the front face of a
windowless envelope.
Additional Sheet
or Additional Set
Additional sheet(s) or set(s) can be added
to the Prime Sheet or Prime Set. They will
be fed from other Sheet Feeder(s) and are
placed into the envelope behind the Prime.
Fold Type The style of fold to be applied:
C Fold
also know as ‘standard’
Z Fold
also known as
‘accordion’ fold.
Single Fold
one fold applied (usually
folded in half).
Double Fold
folded in half and then
in half again.
SV40221 Rev A book.indb 1-14 9/14/2004 5:51:06 PM