Pitney Bowes D1600 Scanner User Manual

1 • Introduction
1-16 SV40221 Rev. A
Home Screen The initial screen displayed after turning
power on. From this screen you can select
pre-programmed Job Definitions, enter the
menu functions or run the machine.
Pressing the Home key on the Control Panel
will return you to this screen at any time.
Job Definition The collection of settings that define how a
Mail Piece is to be created by the machine.
Up to 20 Job Definitions can be stored for
instant recall.
Mail Piece Icon
Situated down the left side of the display.
A graphical representation of the items that
make up the currently selected Job Definition.
Trial Piece Test piece run by the machine before
automatic operation can be started. A Trial
Piece allows the machine to calibrate itself
and the Mail Piece make-up to be checked.
Safe Seal A modified sealing mode that allows better
sealing of ‘poor’ envelopes. Safe Seal will
allow more time for the envelope flap gum to
soften, but will slow machine operation.
Linked Feeders Allows more than one feeder to be configured
to run the same Stack. When the first feeder
runs out of material, feed will automatically
switch to the next ‘linked’ feeder, and so on,
in a continuous cycle. This allows empty
feeder(s) to be loaded while another linked
feeder is feeding material.
Optical Mark
The process of controlling machine functions
and Mail Piece make-up by ‘scanning’
material passing through the machine for
machine readable marks (OMR Marks).
SV40221 Rev A book.indb 1-16 9/14/2004 5:51:07 PM