Pitney Bowes D1600 Scanner User Manual

4 • Supervisor Functions
4-4 SV40221 Rev. A
Edit Job
What is it?
Edit Job allows a Supervisor to add and delete items within an
existing Job Definition. It also lets a Supervisor alter the job setup
such as batch count, job comments and job name.
The Edit Job function is used to change a Job Definition, and so
always over-writes the original Job Definition in the machine’s
memory (even if the Job Name has been edited). If you wish to
create a NEW Job Definition which is similar to an existing job and
leave the existing Job Definition untouched, use the Create From
function described on page 4-6.
Where is it?
From the Home Screen...
select Menu
select Supervisor Functions
enter the Supervisor Access Code (see page 4-2)
select Edit Job
Once Edit Job has been selected, choose the Job Definition you
wish to edit from the alphabetical job list using the ▲▼◄► keys in
the normal way.
Edit Job allows a Supervisor to modify all Job Definition parameters
except for adding or removing the Outer Envelope and the First
Sheet or Set.
Highlight the item you wish to edit by scrolling through the Mail Piece
Icon Tree using the ▲▼ keys.
To add an Additional Sheet/Set or a second Insert, highlight the icon
in the Mail Piece Icon Tree immediately adjacent to the point you
wish to add the new item, then select Add Item After or Add Item
Before as applicable.
To add an Insert to a job currently without Inserts, select Add Insert.
SV40221 Rev A book.indb 4-4 9/14/2004 5:51:16 PM