Proxim AP-4000 Network Card User Manual

Advanced Configuration AP-4000 Series User Guide
Radius Profiles
Figure 4-37 Add RADIUS Server Profile
Server Profile Name: the profile name. This is the name used to associated a VLAN to the profile. See
Configuring Security Profiles. The Server Profile Name is also used in the Configure > Management > Services
page to specify the RADIUS profile to be used for RADIUS Based Management Access.
MAC Address Format Type: This parameter should correspond to the format in which the clients’ 12-digit MAC
addresses are listed within the RADIUS server. Available options are:
Dash delimited: dash between each pair of digits: xx-yy-zz-aa-bb-cc
Colon delimited: colon between each pair of digits: xx:yy:zz:aa:bb:cc
Single dash delimited: dash between the sixth and seventh digits: xxyyzz-aabbcc
No delimiters: No characters or spaces between pairs of hexadecimal digits: xxyyzzaabbcc
Accounting update interval: Enter the time interval (in minutes) for sending Accounting Update messages to the
RADIUS server. A value of 0 (default) means that the AP will not send Accounting Update messages.
Accounting inactivity timer: Enter the accounting inactivity timer. This parameter supports a value from 1-60
minutes. The default is 5 minutes.
Authorization lifetime: Enter the time, in seconds, each client session may be active before being automatically
re-authenticated. This parameter supports a value between 900 and 43200 seconds. The default is 0 (disabled).
Server Addressing Format: select IP Address or Name. If you want to identify RADIUS servers by name, you
must configure the AP as a DNS Client. See DNS Client for details.
Server Name/IP Address: Enter the server’s name or IP address.