Proxim AP-4000 Network Card User Manual

Command Line Interface (CLI) AP-4000 Series User Guide
Other Network Settings
Set VLAN/SSID Parameters
Enable VLAN Management
[Device-Name]>set vlanstatus enable
[Device-Name]>set vlanmgmtid <1–4094>
[Device-Name]>show wifssidtbl (to review your settings)
[Device-Name]>reboot 0
Disable VLAN Management
[Device-Name]>set vlanstatus disable or
[Device-Name]>set vlanmgmtid -1
[Device-Name]>reboot 0
Add a Entry to the WIFSSID Table
[Device-Name]>set wifssidtbl <index> ssid <Network Name> vlanid <-1 (untagged) or 1–4094>
status enable
Set Security Profile Parameters
Configure a Security Profile with Non Secure Security Mode
[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl <index> secmode nonsecure status enable
[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl 2 secmode nonsecure status enable
Configure a Security Profile with WEP Security Mode
[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl <index> secmode wep encryptkey0 <value> encryptkeylength
<vakue> encryptkeytx <value> status enable
[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl 3 secmode wep encryptkey0 12345 encryptkeylength 1
encryptkeytx 0 status enable
Configure a Security Profile with 802.1x Security Mode
[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl <index> secmode 802.1x rekeyint 900 status enable
[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl 4 secmode 802.1x rekeyint 900 status enable
Configure a Security Profile with WPA Security Mode
[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl <index> secmode wpa rekeyint 900 status enable
[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl 5 secmode wpa rekeyint 900 status enable
Configure a Security Profile with WPA-PSK Security Mode
[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl <index> secmode wpa-psk passphrase <value> status enable
[Device-Name]>set secprofiletbl 6 secmode wpa-psk passphrase 12345678 status enable