Proxim AP-4000 Network Card User Manual

Advanced Configuration AP-4000 Series User Guide
TFTP Trap Group
Image Trap Group
SNTP Trap Group
Generic Trap Group
A generic SNMP trap may be sent for any of the following reasons:
System Feature/License Group
In addition, the AP supports these standard traps, which are always enabled:
Trap Name Description Severity Level
oriTrapTFTPFailedOperation TFTP operation failed Major
oriTrapTFTPOperationInitiated TFTP operation Initiated Informational
oriTrapTFTPOperationCompleted TFTP operation completed Informational
Trap Name Description Severity Level
oriTrapZeroSizeImage Zero size image loaded onto device Major
oriTrapInvalidImage Invalid image loaded onto device Major
oriTrapImageTooLarge Image loaded on the device exceeds the size
limitation of flash
oriTrapIncompatibleImage Incompatible image loaded onto device Major
oriTrapInvalidImageDigitalSignature Image with invalid digital signature is loaded onto
Trap Name Description Severity Level
oriTrapSNTPFailure SNTP time retrieval failure Minor
oriTrapSNTPFailure SNTP sync-up failure Minor
Trap Name Description Severity Level
oriTrapGenericNotification (see following table) Generic SNMP Trap Variable
Trap Reason/Type Additional Trap Information Severity Level
Mesh Connection Failure Connection failure reason Major
Link Integrity Failure Target IP address of down link Major
Topology Change Ethernet MAC address of Mesh AP causing
change; Mesh SSID
Trap Name Description Severity Level
oriTrapIncompatibleLicenseFile Incompatible license file Major
oriTrapInvalidLicenseFile Invalid license file Major