Proxim AP-4000 Network Card User Manual

Installation and Initialization AP-4000 Series User Guide
Mesh Prerequisites
Before setting up a Mesh network, gather the following information:
Mesh Mode The mode in which the AP will be used. If the AP will be connected directly to the wired
backbone, it should be configured for Mesh Portal mode; if it will connect to the Portal
and backbone wirelessly, it should be configured for Mesh AP mode. If the AP will not
be used in a Mesh network, Mesh Mode can be disabled.
Mesh Interface Number The interface on which the Mesh functionality will be enabled. For Wireless A, the
interface number is 3; for Wireless B, the interface number is 4.
Mesh SSID The name of the Mesh network. The Mesh SSID should be between 1 and 16
Mesh Security Mode Mesh links may be secured through AES encryption. You may also choose to use
Mesh functionality without security enabled.
Mesh AP Shared Secret The password shared between Mesh Access Points when AES is enabled (AES is
enabled by default). This password should be between 6 and 32 characters. The
default password is “public.”