B – Command Line Interface
Set Setup Command
B-40 59021-05 A
Notes The two components of security are user authentication and fabric security. The
user must be authenticated before gaining access to a switch. If an invalid
account name/password combination is entered, that user can not access the
switch, and thus can not gain access to the fabric. If security is enabled (True) and
a valid account name/password combination is entered, that user can access the
switch but can not execute any command that exceeds their authority (privileges)
level. If security is disabled (False) and a valid account name/password
combination is entered, that user has access to all switches in the fabric and can
execute all commands (both user and admin), regardless of their authority
(privileges) level.
Examples The following is an example of the Set Setup SNMP command:
SANbox2 #> admin start
SANbox2 (admin) #> set setup snmp
A list of attributes with formatting and current values will follow.
Enter a new value or simply press the ENTER key to accept the current value.
If you wish to terminate this process before reaching the end of the list
press ’q’ or ’Q’ and the ENTER key to do so.
Trap Severity Options
unknown, emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notify, info, debug, mark
Contact (string, max=32 chars) [<sysContact undefinted]
Location (string, max=32 chars) [sysLocation undefinted]
Trap1Address (dot-notated IP Address) [ ]
Trap1Port (decimal value) [162 ]
Trap1Severity (see allowed options above) [warning ]
Trap1Enabled (True / False) [False ]
Trap2Address (dot-notated IP Address) [ ]
Trap2Port (decimal value) [162 ]
Trap2Severity (see allowed options above) [warning ]
Trap2Enabled (True / False) [False ]
Trap3Address (dot-notated IP Address) [ ]
Trap3Port (decimal value) [162 ]
Trap3Severity (see allowed options above) [warning ]
Trap3Enabled (True / False) [False ]
Trap4Address (dot-notated IP Address) [ ]
Trap4Port (decimal value) [162 ]
Trap4Severity (see allowed options above) [warning ]
Trap4Enabled (True / False) [False ]
Trap5Address (dot-notated IP Address) [ ]
Trap5Port (decimal value) [162 ]