Beyond the Basics
stops on each active frequency for fi ve seconds then
automatically resumes searching.
• You can copy and save a frequency into a specifi ed bank,
channel, or priority channel when the scanner fi nds an
active frequency. See “Frequency Copy” on Page 29 to save
the frequency. Frequency copy works only in search banks
1 - 6.
• In the Air and Limit search bands, press FUNC then
e to
start searching up from the lowest frequency or d to start
searching down from the highest frequency.
• You can press
e or d at any time to change the search
direction or resume searching while stopped on an active
• Use
e or d while paused to increment the frequency one
step at a time.
manually tuning to a frequency
You can manually set the scanner to move through all
receivable frequencies, or select a specifi c frequency as a
starting point.
1. Press TUNE. TUNE, the current frequency, and ** PAUSED **
appear on the display.
2. Use the number keys to enter the frequency where you
want the scanner to start.
3. Press ENT to store the frequency. Press
e or d to step up
or down from the displayed frequency, or press PAUSE to
begin automatic tuning.
4. Press
e or d to change the automatic tuning direction. The
scanner stops when it fi nds an active frequency.
If you press PAUSE while tuning, the scanner stops tuning
and **PAUSED** appears on the display. Press PAUSE again,
and the scanner resumes tuning.