The Basics
searching for active frequencies 27
using Zeromatic 27
using seek search 27
manually tuning to a frequency 28
frequency copy 29
copying a frequency into a specifi ed channel 29
copying a frequency to a vacant channel
into a specifi ed bank 30
copying a frequency to the priority channel 30
listening to the weather band 31
same standby mode 31
testing weather alert 32
using delay 33
locking out channels/frequencies 33
locking out channels 33
locking out frequencies 34
reviewing locked-out search frequency 34
clearing locked-out search frequencies 35
clearing locked-out frequencies in search banks 35
changing the receive mode 35
using attenuator 36
global attenuator 37
turning the key tone on or off 37
using the dimmer 38
changing the display contrast 38
virtual scanner 39
using V-scanner 40
using digital AGC 45
cloning programmed data 45
cloning v-scanner data 46
full cloning 47
selective cloning 47