Renesas HS2378KCM01H Network Card User Manual

To set the following conditions as a hardware breakpoint:
Address condition: An address bus value of H'1000,
Data condition: A data bus value of H'55 and lower 8-bit byte access,
Read/write cycle condition: Read cycle.
bcs address 1000 data 55 lbyte direction read (RET)
To set the following conditions as a hardware breakpoint:
Address condition: An address bus value of H'2000 and instruction fetch cycle.
bcs address 2000 pcafter (RET)
To set the following conditions as a hardware breakpoint:
Address condition: The lower 4 bits of H'1000 are masked,
Data condition: A data bus value of H'aa and upper 8-bit byte access.
bcs address mask 100* data aa hbyte (RET)