5.2.10 GO_OPTION: GP
Sets or displays the emulation mode during user program execution.
Displays emulation mode for user program execution.
gp <eml_opt>
<eml_opt> = eml_mode <eml_mode>
Sets emulation mode for user program execution.
Table 5.11 GO_OPTION Command Parameter
Parameter Type Description
<eml_mode> Keyword Specifies the emulation mode.
Set either of the following:
normal: Normal execution
no_break: Makes software breakpoints and
hardware breakpoints temporarily invalid and
executes the user program.
Note: The parameters for this command vary with the product. For the specifications of each
product, refer to the on-line help.
To display the currently set emulation mode for user program execution:
gp (RET)
The display format is as follows:
Emulator execution mode = Normal
To set the normal emulation mode for user program execution:
gp eml_mode normal (RET)
Note: The items displayed with this command vary with the product. For the display
specifications of each product, refer to the on-line help.