Renesas HS2378KCM01H Network Card User Manual

The [E10A Driver Details] dialog box is displayed. With the [Driver] combo box, select the
driver to connect the HDI with the emulator. [Interface] displays the interface name of the PC
interface board to be connected, and [Channel] displays the interface to which the board is
connected. Once the driver is selected in the [E10A Driver Details] dialog box, this dialog
box is not displayed when the HDI is run next time. (This procedure will not be executed by
target MCUs.)
Figure 2.7 [E10A Driver Details] Dialog Box
With the [Driver] combo box, select the driver to connect the HDI with the emulator.
[Interface] displays the interface name of the card emulator to be connected, and [Channel]
displays the interface to which the board is connected.
[Driver] combo box: Select [E10A PC Card Driver 5] to use the PCMCIA card emulator.
Select [E10A PCI Card Driver 5] to use the PCI card emulator. For
details, refer to table 6.3 in section 6.4.1, Emulator Driver Selection.
[Interface] combo box: Select [PC Card] to use the PCMCIA card emulator.
Select [PCI] to use the PCI card emulator. (If the driver is not
installed, the [PC Card] or [PCI] is not displayed.)
Click the [Close] button.