Sending Fax Documents from Computers
LAN-Fax Driver
This driver allows you to use LAN-Fax functions.
❒ All operations cannot be guaranteed depending on the system environment.
❒ If your operating system is Windows NT 4.0, download LAN-Fax Driver for
Windows NT 4.0 from the supplier's Web site.
❒ When you use Windows NT, LAN-Fax Driver will not work in an RISC base
processor (MIPS R series, Alpha AXP, PowerPC) environment.
❖ Location of the file
The following folders are on the CD-ROM:
• LAN-Fax Driver for Windows 98/Me
• LAN-Fax Driver for Windows 2000/XP and Windows Server 2003
❖ Operating environment
PC/AT compatible
• Operating systems
Microsoft Windows 98/Me
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
VGA 640×480 pixels or more
❒ Before beginning installation, exit all other applications.
Address Book
Address Book helps you edit LAN-Fax transmission destinations.
❖ Operating systems
Microsoft Windows 98/Me
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0