RuggedCom RX1100 Network Router User Manual

RuggedRouter® User Guide
Firewall Rules
Figure 108: Firewall Rules
This menu allows you to add, delete and configure firewall rules. These rules are
inspected and applied before the default policies are used. Add a new rule by
selecting the “Add a new firewall rule” link or by clicking on the add-above or add-
below images in the Add field. Reorder the policies by clicking on the arrows under
the Move field.
Clicking on a link under the Action field will allow you to edit or delete the rule, as
shown below. You may also make changes by manually editing the rule file.
Figure 109: Editing A Firewall Rule
The following fields describe the information to match against the incoming
connection request in order to apply this rule.
The Action field specifies the final action of the rule. The and log to syslog field
determines whether logging will take place and at which logging level.
The Source zone field specifies the zone the request originates from.
The Destination zone or port field specifies the requests destination zone.
The Protocol field specifies the protocol (tcp, udp or icmp) to match.
The Source ports and Destination ports fields specifies the requests tcp or udp port
numbers to match.
126 RuggedCom