RuggedCom RX1100 Network Router User Manual

RuggedRouter® User Guide
Once all timeslots have been assigned to channels, the “Timeslots..” link will no
longer appear. Note that you do not have to assign all timeslots.
Assign Frame Relay or PPP to the channels by following the “Assign .. Protocol”
links. The resultant menus will allow you select the desired channel.
If you are assigning multiple DLCIs, assign the first DLCI used by that interface and
configure the Frame Relay Link Parameters and that DLCIs network parameters.
After assigning the first DLCI, you may revisit the interface through the link under the
Name field and add additional DLCIs.
Once all channels have been assigned, the “Assign” links will no longer appear, as
shown below. Note that any of the Frame Relay interfaces on a channel (in this case
w1c4fr16 and w1c4fr17) may be used to edit the Frame Relay Link Parameters.
Figure 57: T1/E1 Network Interfaces After Interface Creation
Naming Of Logical Interfaces
Webmin names the logical interfaces for you (but allows you to provide a
description). All interfaces start with a “w” to identify them as wan interfaces,
followed by the physical interface number.
Unchannelized hardware interfaces supply only one channel (that can be composed of
a varying number of timeslots) logical interface. You may configure one PPP
interface or up to 990 Frame Relay DLCI interfaces. The next part of the identifier is
either “ppp” or “frX” where X the frame relay channel number.
Channelized hardware allows more than one logical interface. The next part of the
identifier indicates the channel the interface uses with a “c” followed by the lowest
channel used. The final part of the identifier is either “ppp” or “fr” and the frame
relay channel number.
68 RuggedCom