
A Closer Look
12. With the platen knob, roll the paper up or down until the cor-
rect “start-print” position is reached. This position is achieved
by lining up the horizontal perforation with the top of the rib-
bon guide as shown in Figure l-11.
13. Now we’re ready to roll - replace the printer cover, and turn
on the power switch. Speedy printing!
Figure 1-12. Delta-15 con be loaded from the bock like Delta-10 or from the bottom,
OS shown here.
Ribbon Installation
Installing the ink ribbon with its two spools is described in
detail in Appendix A. Just follow the diagrams.
Adjusting the Gap
What’s the gap? The gap is the space between the print head
and the platen, Adjusting the gap is simply adjusting the printer to
take different thicknesses of paper.