Spedal Features 63
have one stored in Delta’s RAM (this chapter will tell you how to
create a macro).
Putting Delta to sleep
You know how to put Delta off-line with the ON LINE button
so that you can use the FF and LF buttons. Delta has another off-
line state that can be controlled from your computer. When you
turn Delta offline from your computer, Delta will ignore anything
that you send it, except for the code to go on-line again. CHR$(lS)
is the code to turn Delta off-line; CHR$(17) returns Delta to on-line
Printing to the bottom of the sheet
Sometimes when you are using individual sheets of paper you
may want to print near the bottom of a sheet. The paper-out detec-
tor usually stops Delta when you are about 2% inches from the
bottom of the sheet. This is to notify you if you are running out of
continuous paper.
Delta has the ability to print right to the bottom of the sheet.
You can disable the paper-out detector so that it doesn’t stop the
printer. This will allow you to print to the end of the sheet, and
even beyond if you are not careful. The codes to control the paper-
out detector, along with the other codes that we have just learned
are in the following table.
Table 6-2
Some miscellaneous commands
1 Function
1 Control code
Master reset
Paper-out detector off
Paper-out detector on
(ESC) ‘xv
1 (ESC; ‘6”
1 (ESC) “9”
Unidirectional printing
Unidirectional printing is a big word that means printing in
one direction only. Delta normally prints when the printhead is
moving in both directions. But once in a while you may have an
application where you are more concerned about how the vertical
lines align than with how fast it prints. Delta lets you make this
choice. The table below shows the commands for controlling how
Delta prints,