Star Micronics Delta Printer User Manual

Suecial Features
Table 6-6 Table 6-6
International character sets International character sets
lCountrv 1 35 1 92 I93 194 I96 1123 1124 1125 11261
control code. The term macro is from the jargonese macro-instruc-
tion which refers to an instruction that “calls,” or uses a group of
normal instructions. In computer programming macro-instruc-
tions (which are similar to subroutines) save programmers a lot of
time and effort. Delta’s macro can save you a lot of time and effort
Here is how Delta’s macro works. You define your macro by
telling Delta what normal control codes are to be included in the
macro. Then you can use the macro any time that you want and
Delta will do all the things that you included in the macro defini-
tion. You can include up to 16 codes in a single macro. You can
even use the macro to store a frequently used word or phrase.
There are two control codes for the macro: one to define it, and
one to use it. They are given in the table below.
Table 6-7
Macro instruction commands
Define macro
1 Control code
1 (ESC) ‘I+“. . . codes vou include. . . CHR$I3OI
Use macro
. I
1 (ES& I‘!”
To see how this works we can build a macro that will reset the
printing style to normal, no matter what style it may be to start
with. The following program will define a macro to do this.