
A Closer Look
Best of all, you don’t have to wait another minute-you can
print the self-test without hooking up the Delta to your computer!
It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3 . . .
1. Plug the printer’s power cord into a 120 VAC outlet.
2. Insert a sheet of paper.
3. While holding down the L.F. button, turn the power switch on.
Surprised you, didn’t it? How did you like that blinding speed
- 160 characters per second! And the amazing array of type faces,
symbols, and graphics! The sample print-out contains characters
in the following sizes and type faces, all of them stored in the
printer’s permanent memory.
‘igure l-14. The self-test gives o hint of what’s to come.
1. Standard pica type - 10 characters per inch
2. Standard elite type - 12 characters per inch
3. Condensed type - 17 characters per inch
4. Italic pica style - 10 characters per inch
5. Emphasized pica -
10 characters per inch
What next? Chapter 2 takes up the timely subject of “Com-
municating with Delta.” Now you’ll learn how to make your com-
puter put your printer through its many paces.