Star Micronics NB24-10/15 Printer User Manual

Chapter 3, and set the Italic type, then run the program again.
You should get like this:
This line is in ITALIC characters.
This line is in ROMAN characters.
As you can see, this time the printer ignored the control codes
to set or cancel italic characters.
n Characters in the Font Cartridge
This printer offers you the Prestige LQ characters as stand-
ard. If you want to use other LQ character styles, use the op-
tional font cartridges.
You can install those font cartridges following the procedures
described in Chapter 1. You can control the characters in those
font cartridges as shown below:
10 ’
Demo of optional characters
20 LPRINT CHR$(27);"k";CHR$(l);
30 LPRINT "This line shows Font 1 characters.”
40 LPRINT CHR$(27);"k";CHR$(2);
50 LPRINT "This line shows Font 2 characters."
60 LPRINT CHR$(27);"k";CHR$(O);
70 LPRINT "This line shows Internal Characters."
When you’ve installed the Gothic Font Cartridge to the font
slot 1, and the Orator Font Cartridge to the font slot 2 with the
15-inch type, the results of this program look like this:
This line shows Font 1 characters.
This line shows Internal Characters.
In this program, line 30 selects the characters on the font slot
1, with (ESC) “k” CHR$(l) command. Line 40 prints a sample
with the LQ characters in the font cartridge installed on the font
slot 1. Line 50 selects the font cartridge slot 2 with (ESC) “k”
CHR$(2) command. Line 60 prints a sample with the font slot 2