Star Micronics NB24-10/15 Printer User Manual

40 LPRINT CHR$(27);"$";CHR$(I);CHR$(O);
50 LPRINT "Horizontal tab."
70 END
In this program, the print head is positioned before the “H” in
“Horizontal” is printed.
60 +++++ Horizontal tab.
62 +++++ Horizontal tab.
64 +++++ Horizontal tab.
66 +++++
Horizontal tab.
68 +++++
Horizontal tab.
70 +++++
Horizontal tab.
The relative horizontal tab command can move the print head
right from the current position. The formula for calculating how
much the print head moves is the same as in the absolute
horizontal tab command. However, the units by which the print
head actually moves vary with the print pitch you are using, as
shown in Table 5-9.
Table 5-9
Units of motion for the relative
horizontal tab commands
Unit of motion
Print pitch
Draft characters
Letter Quality
Pica pitch
l/120 inch
l/180 inch
Elite pitch l/l20 inch
l/180 inch
Semi-condensed &
Condensed pitch
11240 inch
11180 inch
Try this program to see how this works.
' Demo of relative horizontal tabs
20 FOR I=1 TO 3
30 LPRINT "Relative";