Star Micronics NB24-10/15 Printer User Manual

your printer is set for normal printing.
Look closely at the different lines of printing. In the line of
boldface printing each character has been printed twice, and the
paper was moved up slightly the second time they were printed.
In emphasized printing, the characters are moved slightly to the
right the second time the printer prints. The second line combin-
ed both of these so that each character was printed 4 times.
We have learned how to use the various print modes in-
dividually and together. Now we’ll see how to combine them
more efficiently.
You have at your disposal a unique command that lets you
choose any valid combination of print modes and pitch. This is
the Master Print mode command. It looks like this:
(ESC) “!” n
Here, the value of n defines the print style to be selected. The
value of n can range from 0 to 255, which is the range of values
that can be stored in one eight-bit byte. If you look at each bit in
this byte, you’ll find that each one represents a printing style
variation. Adding the binary values of the selected bits gives the
value of ti for a particular combination of print styles.
Table 4-11 shows the decimal values of the bits in the Master
Print byte. To calculate the value n for a particular combination
of printing styles, just add the decimal values of the features
that you want to combine.
Table 4- 11
Values of mixing print styles for Master Print