Star Micronics NB24-10/15 Printer User Manual

When you run this program you should get this:
This line is SEKI-CONDENSED pitch,
This line is ELITE pitch.
This line is PICA pitch (normal).
Line 20 turns on semi-condensed pitch with (ESC) “g”. Line
30 prints the line at 15 characters per inch. Line 40 turns on elite
pitch with (ESC) “M”, and line 50 prints the line at 12
characters per inch. The (ESC) “P” in line 60 resets the printer
to pica pitch and line 70 prints the line in pica pitch.
n Expanded print
Each of the print pitches can be enlarged to twice its normal
width. This is called expanded print. Try this program to see
how it works:
Demo of expanded print
20 LPRINT “Demonstration of I’;
30 LPRINT CHR$(14);
50 LPRINT CHR$(20);
60 LPRINT printing.
70 LPRINT “Notice that ;
80 LPRINT CHR$(14);
100 LPRINT “automatically turns off at the end
of a line.”
Demonstration of EXPANDED printing.
Notice that EXPANDED
automatically turns off at the end of a line.
Expanded print set with CHR$(14) is automatically cancelled
at the end of the line. This is convenient in many applications,
such as for one line titles. Note that you didn’t need to put an
(ESC) in front of the CHR$(14), although (ESC) CHR$(14)
works just the same.
You can also cancel one line expanded print before a carriage