Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Host Devices 57
For Internal Use Only
Replacing the Master, Alternate Master,
and Slave Monitoring Host
The following procedures are a high-level overview of the procedures that are
detailed in the Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment User’s Guide. Follow these
procedures when replacing a master, alternate master, or slave monitoring host.
Note – The procedures for replacing the master host are different from the
procedures for replacing an alternate master or slave monitoring host.
▼ To Replace the Master Host
Refer to Chapter 2 of the Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment User’s Guide for
detailed instructions for the next four steps.
1. Install the SUNWstade package on a new Master Host.
2. Run /opt/SUNWstade/bin/ras_install on the new Master Host.
3. Configure the Host as the Master Host.
4. Connect to the Master Server’s GUI at http://<servername>:7654.