Tektronix TDS 700C Graphics Tablet User Manual

TDS 500C, TDS 600B, & TDS 700C User Manual
Level, Telecom Trigger menu, 3–106
Level, Trigger, 3–68
LF Rej, Main Trigger menu, 3–74
Lightness, Color menu, 3–46
Limit Test Condition Met, Acquire menu, 3–187
Limit Test Setup, Acquire menu, 3–186, 3–187
Limit Test Sources, Acquire menu, 3–186
Limit Test, Acquire menu, 3–187
Limit Testing, Incompatible with InstaVu, 3–58
Limit testing, 3–183
Linear interpolation, 3–28, 3–42, Glossary–6
Linear interpolation, Display menu, 3–42
Logic trigger, 3–65, 3–78
Definitions, 3–78
Pattern, 3–77, Glossary–7
Readout, 3–79
State, 3–78, Glossary–7
Logic triggering, 3–76
Logic, Main Trigger menu, 3–72
Low, 3–115, Glossary–7
Low impedance Zo probes, D–2
Low Ref, Measure menu, 3–121
Lubrication, E–2
Main menu, Glossary–7
Main menu buttons, 2–3, Glossary–7
Main Scale, Horizontal menu, 3–22
Main Trigger Menu
Falling edge, 3–76
Rising edge, 3–76
Main Trigger menu, 3–72, 3–73, 3–81, 3–85, 3–86,
3–91, 3–93, 3–97
AC, 3–74
Accept Glitch, 3–93
AND, 3–83, 3–85
Auto, 3–75
Ch1, Ch2 ..., 3–74, 3–82, 3–85, 3–86, 3–92, 3–93,
3–94, 3–96, 3–97, 3–101
Class, 3–96, 3–101
Class Glitch, 3–91
Clock Source, 3–86
Coupling, 3–74
Data Source, 3–86
DC, 3–74
Define Inputs, 3–82, 3–85, 3–87
Define Logic, 3–83, 3–85
Delta Time, 3–98
Edge, 3–72, 3–73
Either, 3–92, 3–94, 3–97
Falling edge, 3–85, 3–86
Glitch, 3–93
Goes FALSE, 3–83, 3–85
Goes TRUE, 3–83, 3–85
HF Rej, 3–74
Level, 3–76, 3–93, 3–97, 3–102
LF Rej, 3–74
Mode & Holdoff, 3–75
NAND, 3–83, 3–85
Negative, 3–92, 3–94, 3–97
Noise Rej, 3–74
NOR, 3–83, 3–85
Normal, 3–75
OR, 3–83, 3–85
Polarity, 3–94, 3–97
Polarity and Width, 3–92
Positive, 3–92, 3–94, 3–97
Pulse, 3–72, 3–93, 3–96, 3–101
Reject Glitch, 3–93
Rising edge, 3–85, 3–86
Runt, 3–93
Set Thresholds, 3–82, 3–85
Set to 50%, 3–69, 3–76, 3–93, 3–102
Set to ECL, 3–76, 3–93, 3–98, 3–102
Set to TTL, 3–76, 3–93, 3–98, 3–102
Slope, 3–75
Source, 3–74, 3–92, 3–94, 3–96, 3–97, 3–101
State, 3–85, 3–86
Telecom, 3–104
Thresholds, 3–94, 3–98
Time, 3–102
Timeout, 3–101, 3–102
Trigger When, 3–83, 3–85, 3–98
True for less than, 3–83
True for more than, 3–83
Type, 3–72, 3–73, 3–96, 3–101
Type Pulse, 3–91
Width, 3–92, 3–96
Map Math, Color menu, 3–47
Map Reference, Color menu, 3–47
Mask Counting, 3–136
creating user, 3–138, 3–139
editing user, 3–138, 3–139
storing user, 3–140
Math waveform
derivative. See Derivative math waveform
FFT. See FFT math waveform
integral. See Integral math waveform
Math waveforms, 3–191
Disallowed in InstaVu, 3–59
Math, Color menu, 3–47