ANMS – LDAP/S Configuration
namefortheKVM–permission – is added as an optional attribute to the
person class.
Note: Authentication refers to the identity verification of the person
logging into the KVM switch, whereas Authorization refers to the
assigning of device permissions.
following procedures:
1. InstalltheWindows2003SupportTools.
2. InstalltheActiveDirectorySchemaSnap-In.
3. ExtendandUpdatetheActiveDirectorySchema.
Each of these procedures is described in the following sections:
Install the Windows 2003 Support Tools
1. OntheWindowsServer,opentheSupport Tools folder.
2. In the right panel of the dialog box that comes up, double click
3. FollowalongwiththeInstallationWizardtocompletetheprocedure.
Install the Active Directory Schema Snap-In
1. Open a Command prompt.
2. Keyinregsvr32 schmmgmt.dll to register schmmgmt.dll on your
3. OpentheStart menu. Click Run and key in mmc /a. Click OK.
4. In the File menu of the screen that appears, click Add/Remove Snap-
in, and then click Add.
5. Under Available Standalone Snap-ins, double click Active Directory
Schema, click Close and then click OK.
6. Onthescreenyouarein,opentheFile menu and click Save.
7. Whenpromptedwheretosave,specifytheC:\Windows\system32
8. Keyinthefilename schmmgmt.msc.
9. ClickSave to complete the procedure.
Extend and Update the Active Directory Schema – Create a New Attribute
1. Open Control Panel Administrative Tools Active Directory
2. Intheleftpanelofthescreenthatcomesup,right-clickAttributes.
3. SelectNew Attribute.
7.2.3 Remote OSD Administration Tab
7. Administration
4. A warning message appears. Click Continue to bring up the Create
New Attribute dialog box.
5. Fill in the dialog box and click OK.
Extend and Update the Active Directory Schema – Extend the Object
Class with the New Attribute
1. Open Control Panel Administrative Tools Active Directory
2. In the left panel of the screen that comes up, select Classes.
3. Intherightpanel,right-clickperson and select Properties. Select the
General tab of the person Properties screen, and fill in the fields
according to the example:
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