Ithaca Peripherals Proprinter Emulation Commands
3255 4073–002 7–9
Set Horizontal Tab Positions
Sets the horizontal tab stops. If no horizontal tabs command is given, tab stops
are set at every 8th column.
Keep the following in mind:
• You can specify up to 32 tabs stops.
• Specify tab settings in ascending order.
• Column 1 is the home position.
• Tabs can be at different intervals throughout the width of a column.
• Tab functions can be performed in all character sizes and print modes,
including double-wide.
• Do not set tabs beyond the maximum column width.
• Include a 0 at the end of each horizontal tab statement.
Hexadecimal Decimal ASCII Value of n
1B 44
27 68
n = horizontal tab
Fine Line Feed
Prints and advances the paper the specified distance. Line spacing returns to
the normal setting. The value, n, is equivalent to n/216 inches: for example
23/216 inches or 255/216 inches.
Note: The printer rounds down the value to the closest multiple of 1/72
Hexadecimal Decimal ASCII Value of n
1B 4A n 24 74 n ESC J n 1-255