8. 8Installation
This chapter describes the activities performed by you and Xerox
during the installation of the Xerox DocuPrint 96/96 MICR NPS,
4635/4635 MICR NPS, and 180/180 MICR NPS, and hardware and
software components. Before installation can begin, you must
complete the tasks described in the “Preparing for installation”
chapter of this guide.
Installation process
Xerox is responsible for the physical installation of the 96/96 MICR,
4635/4635 MICR, or 180/180 MICR NPS hardware components and
the software.
For customers outside the United States, contact your local Xerox
operating company for your specific installation process.
The installation process can take one or several days to complete.
Equipment, software kits, and documentation kits may all arrive in
one day, or over the course of several days. When all of the
necessary items are in place, Xerox personnel will complete the
installation of the NPS components.
In the United States, the steps in the installation process typically
occur in the following order:
1. Xerox personnel installs all DocuPrint NPS printer hardware
and connects the printer controller to your site’s network
through the Ethernet, Token Ring, and FDDI connector you
supply. This process takes approximately four hours if all the
necessary network and electrical connectors are in place.
2. Xerox personnel loads printer controller software on the printer
controller (approximately 1.5 hours).
3. Xerox personnel downloads Xerox client software, if applicable,
on one client workstation to validate the installation (15
minutes). Software is downloaded on another client workstation
as part of training conducted by your systems analyst. All other
client software installations are your responsibility. Refer to the
Guide to Configuring and Managing the System for more
4. If your site uses third-party Transmission Control Protocol/
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) lpr networking software, refer to the
Guide to Configuring and Managing the System for information
on modifying the printcap file.
5. Xerox personnel test the system and run sample jobs (30
6. Xerox personnel conduct initial operations training (2 to 4