Installation Planning Guide 9
duplex printing Printing on both sides (front and back) of a page.
See also
simplex printing.
enabler Hardware devices or software packages that allow the printer to
perform as specified.
error message Message displayed by the system or printed on a Job Messages
sheet, informing you of an error or a fault that occurred.
Ethernet Network standard consisting of a coaxial cable or twisted pair
and associated components for connecting workstations to each
other, to file servers, and to peripherals. This communication
system enables workstation users to share information and
EtherTalk Hardware interface and network software for Apple Macintosh
computers that provides connection to an Ethernet network.
Extended Binary
Coded Decimal
Interchange Code
Coded character set consisting of 8-bit coded characters. It can
accommodate 256 characters.
extension Portion of a filename that follows a period. In some instances it
identifies the file type. For example, .ps specifies a PostScript
fault Condition which prevents proper processing of a print job and
requires the intervention of an operator. For example, a paper
jam is a fault.
field Preset place for entering information.
file Set of records or text that can be stored and retrieved.
Organized, named collection of records treated as a unit. For
offline, it is the data between the two tape marks. For online, it is
the data between banner pages.
filename Name of a file or directory in a command line.
finisher Any optional output finishing solution, for example, the stitcher/
firmware Permanent programs stored in read-only memory (ROM).
fixed disk Disk drive that is mounted within a computer and is not
fixed font Font containing characters with fixed spacing.
fixed pitch Font set in which every character cell has the same width. In
reference to character sets, this term describes typefaces in
which all character cells are of equal width. Monospaced as
opposed to proportional spaced.