Glossary 18
Solaris Operating System developed primarily by Sun Microsystems for
use on Sun computers and workstations. Provides inherent
support for UNIX and for TCP/IP.
application software.
space Blank area between words, recognized as a character by word
and data processing systems.
special processing Commands allowing the user to process special reports (i.e.,
printing certain records, printing on special paper).
Device used to calibrate color on the DocuColor NPS/IPS.
spi spots per inch.
spooling Process of releasing data from main memory and storing it
temporarily until a peripheral device is ready to accept it, e.g.,
storing text before sending it to a printer.
spot Unit of measurement representing a fraction of an inch, for
example, 300 spots per inch (spi). May also be referred to as a
picture element (pixel) or dot.
stock A certain type of paper for printing a job.
stockset Collection of stocks to be used on a print job. Refer to stock.
string Connected sequence of alphanumeric characters treated as one
unit of data by a program.
SunOS Operating System developed primarily by Sun Microsystems for
use on Sun computers and workstations. SunOS provides
inherent support for UNIX and for TCP/IP.
syntax Rules governing the structure and format of expressions in a
programming language.
syntax error System response to a mistake in the entry of a command.
Person responsible for configuring, operating, and maintaining
the DocuPrint system, and also for installing client software on
network workstations.
system controller The Sun workstation controller for the NPS/IPS. Usually called
printer controller.
system page Maximum area in which text and graphics can be imaged on a
printing system.
TCP/IP Commonly used network communications protocol supported by
the DocuPrint NPS/IPS.