Glossary 10
fixed spacing Arrangement of characters on a line so that all characters occupy
the same amount of horizontal space.
flag Small indicator marking the occurrence of an event or the
existence of a certain condition while the program is executing.
font Complete set of alphanumeric characters and symbols having
common characteristics such as style (typeface), point size,
weight, and stress. Computers store font images in data files,
defined in either bitmap or contour format.
form 1. Printed or typed document with blank spaces for inserting
2. Page(s) of data stored on the controller that may be merged
with variable data.
format 1. Layout of a document, including margins, page length, line
spacing, typeface, etc.
2. In data storage, the way the surface of a disk is organized to
store data.
3. To prepare the disk to accept data.
form feed Keyboard/printer control character that causes the printer to skip
the top of the next page.
ftp File transfer protocol used for transferring files from one
workstation to another across a network.
fuse To affix dry ink to paper by heat or pressure or a combination of
halftone screen A tool used in offset printing, typesetting, and laser printing to
convert a continuous tone (i.e., photographic) image to dots,
which allows the image to be rendered accurately in these
printing processes.
hard disk
fixed disk.
HCF High-capacity feeder. An optional feeder module containing two
feeder trays which work independently with the standard feeder
trays 1 and 2. The HCF increases the feeder capacity by
approximately 2,000 sheets and allows automatic tray switching
and increased uninterrupted printing time.
HCS High capacity stacker; used on the DocuColor 2060. An optional
finishing device that provides stacking and offsetting capabilities
for output into a stacker tray.
HCSS High capacity stacker stapler; used on the DocuColor 2060. An
optional finishing device that provides stacking, stapling, and
offsetting capabilities for output into a stacker tray.