Chapter 12 Auto Upload
Media Server User’s Guide
In the FTP Uploadr screen, click the Add Server or Edit Server button to open the following
Figure 186 Applications > Auto Upload > FTP Uploadr > Add or Edit a Server
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
12.5.2 The FTP Uploadr Preferences Screen
Use this screen to configure the general settings for the FTP Uploadr.
Table 95 Applications > Auto Upload > FTP Uploadr > Add or Edit a Server
Domain Name/IP
Enter the domain name or IP address of the FTP server.
Account Name Enter the account name used to access the FTP server.
Password Enter the password associated with the account name.
Port Number Enter the port number for the FTP server.
Remote Path Enter the path of the FTP server where the NSA automatically uploads files.
Description Enter additional information about this FTP server.
Test Connection Click this to test your settings and check whether you can use the settings to connect to
the FTP server.
Apply Click this to save your changes.
Cancel Click this to return to the previous screen without saving.