ZyXEL Communications ZyWALL5UTM 4.0 Network Router User Manual

ZyWALL 5/35/70 Series User’s Guide
637 Chapter 50 IP Policy Routing
50.2 IP Routing Policy Setup
To setup a routing policy, perform the following procedures:
Criteria/Action This displays the details about to which packets the policy applies and how the
policy has the ZyWALL handle those packets. Refer to
Table 239 on page 637 for
detailed information.
Select Command Press [SPACE BAR] to choose from None, Edit, Delete, Go To Rule, Next Page
or Previous Page and then press [ENTER]. You must select a rule in the next field
when you choose the Edit, Delete or Go To commands.
Select None and then press [ENTER] to go to the "Press ENTER to Confirm…"
Use Edit to create or edit a rule. Use Delete to remove a rule. To edit or delete a
rule, first make sure you are on the correct page. When a rule is deleted,
subsequent rules do not move up in the page list.
Use Go To Rule to view the page where your desired rule is listed.
Select Next Page or Previous Page to view the next or previous page of rules
Select Rule Type the policy index number you wish to edit or delete and then press [ENTER].
When you have completed this menu, press [ENTER] at the prompt "Press ENTER to Confirm…" to
save your configuration, or press [ESC] at any time to cancel.
Table 239 IP Routing Policy Setup
Criterion SA Source IP Address
SP Source Port
DA Destination IP Address
DP Destination Port
P IP layer 4 protocol number (TCP=6, UDP=17…)
T Type of service of incoming packet
PR Precedence of incoming packet
Action GW Gateway IP address
T Outgoing Type of service
P Outgoing Precedence
Service NM Normal
MD Minimum Delay
MT Maximum Throughput
MR Maximum Reliability
MC Minimum Cost
Table 238 Menu 25: Sample IP Routing Policy Summary (continued)