
94 D - Regulatory information ENWW
EMI statement (Korea)
VCCI statement (Japan)
Regulatory model number
For regulatory identification purposes, your product is assigned a Regulatory Model Number.
The Regulatory Model Number for your product is SNPRC-0401-01 (HP Business Inkjet 1200/
1200d/1200dn/1200dtn) or SNPRC-0401-02 (HP Business Inkjet 1200dtwn). This regulatory
number should not be confused with the marketing name (HP Business Inkjet 1200) or product
number (C8169A, C8154A, C8170A, C8155A, C8156A).
Power cord statement
The power cord cannot be repaired. If it is defective, it should be discarded or returned to
the supplier.