
208 Configuring User Encryption
By default, TKIP is enabled and the other cipher suites are disabled.
To enable or disable cipher suites, use the following commands:
set service-profile name cipher-ccmp {enable | disable}
set service-profile name cipher-tkip {enable | disable}
set service-profile name cipher-wep104 {enable | disable}
set service-profile name cipher-wep40 {enable | disable}
To enable the CCMP cipher suite in service profile rsn, type the following command:
23x0# set service-profile rsn cipher-ccmp enable
success: change accepted.
After you type this command, the service profile supports both TKIP and CCMP.
Changing the TKIP Countermeasures Timer Value
To change the TKIP countermeasures timer, see “Changing the TKIP Countermeasures Timer Value” on page 204. The
procedure is the same for WPA and RSN.
Enabling PSK Authentication
To enable PSK authentication, see “Enabling PSK Authentication” on page 204. The procedure is the same for WPA and
Displaying RSN Settings
To display the RSN settings in a service profile, use the following command:
show service-profile {name | ?}
Caution! AES (CCMP) encryption is not supported on models MP-101 and MP-122.
Do not attempt to enable CCMP in a service profile that is mapped to a radio profile that
contains AP model MP-101 or MP-122. Otherwise, the WSS switch’s configuration file can
be lost the next time the software is restarted. If your network contains model AP-101 or
MP-122 APs, create a separate service profile for the other AP models that will run CCMP
and enable CCMP only in that profile.
Note. Microsoft Windows XP does not support WEP with RSN. To configure a service
profile to provide WEP for XP clients, leave RSN disabled and see “Configuring WEP” on
page 209.