
516 Managing Sessions
Displaying and Clearing Network Sessions by Session ID
You can display information about a session by session ID. To find local session IDs, enter the show sessions command.
You can view more detailed information for an individual session, including authorization parameters and, for wireless
sessions, packet and radio statistics.
For example, to display information about session 27, type the following command:
2370> show session network session-id 27
Global Id: SESS-27-000430-835586-58dfe5a
Port/Radio: 3/1
MAC Address: 00:00:2d:6f:44:77
User Name: EXAMPLE\ethan
IP Address:
Vlan Name: vlan-eng
Tag: 1
Session Timeout: 1800
Authentication Method: PEAP, using server
Session statistics as updated from AP:
Unicast packets in: 653
Unicast bytes in: 46211
Unicast packets out: 450
Unicast bytes out: 50478
Multicast packets in: 317
Multicast bytes in: 10144
Number of packets with encryption errors: 0
Number of bytes with encryption errors: 0
Last packet data rate: 2
Last packet signal strength: -67 dBm
Last packet data S/N ratio: 55
(For information about the fields in the output, see the Nortel Mobility System Software Command Reference.)
The verbose option is not available with the show sessions network session-id command.
To clear network sessions by session ID, type the following command with the appropriate local session ID number.
clear sessions network session-id session-id
For example, the following command deletes network session 9:
2370# clear sessions network session-id 9
SM Apr 11 19:53:38 DEBUG SM-STATE: localid 9, mac 00:06:25:09:39:5d,
flags 0000012fh, to change state to KILLING
Localid 9, globalid SESSION-9-893249336 moved from ACTIVE to KILLING