
4-12 PC Setupbb __________________________________________
3. Delete each of the following four files on your C drive using
the following procedure.
Adobeps4.drv Defprtr2.ppd
Adobeps4.hlp Adfonts.mfm
a. Enter the name of the file to be deleted in the Name field
(Fig. 4.7).
b. Select Include subfolders.
c. Make sure C:\ is selected under “Look in.”
d. Click Find Now. The file name should appear in the
bottom of the window.
e. Highlight the file name and press the Delete key.
Note: If Windows returns the message, "Error: Cannot
delete this file, it is being used by Windows,”
then restart your computer and return to step 1.
f. Repeat steps 3.a. through 3.d to delete the remaining
three files.
g. Close the Find: File All window. You return to Windows
4. Go to the C:\ root drive in the Windows Explorer window.
5. Locate and highlight AdobePS4 directory if it is listed; then,
press the Delete key and go to step 8. If the directory is not
listed, go to step 6.
6. Locate and open the Windows\Start Menu folder in the
Windows Explorer window. Highlight the AdobePS4 directory
if it is listed; then, press the Delete key and go to step 8. If the
directory is not listed, go to step 7.
7. Go to the Windows desktop. Select Start: Settings: Printers.
Then, locate your XANTÉ printer, highlight the printer name
and press the Delete key to delete the printer from the list.