_______________________________________ Ethernet Setup 5-25
Broadcast Addresses
The server uses a broadcast address to send information to all
network workstations. In the absence of subnetting, the broadcast
address is created by using the network ID address octets and 255
(all 1s) for the host ID octets.
XANTÉ printer default addresses
On a class C network, the broadcast address is
On a class B network, the broadcast address is
On a class A network, the broadcast address is
Subnet Addresses
Subnetting is used frequently to manage traffic between ports on a
router more efficiently. Subnetworks are created by using part of the
host ID as a subnetwork ID. The balance of the host ID identifies the
individual workstations assigned to the sub-network.
XANTÉ Command Center (Macintosh version) allows you to set
subnetting information using the Advanced button in the TCP/IP
Address dialog box. Check with your System Supervisor for details
about your network’s subnet addresses.
Set the TCP/IP Address
Your printer’s default TCP/IP address should be changed to agree
with your network’s TCP/IP addresses. Change the address using
XANTÉ Command Center or the front panel I/F:IP Address menu.
Check with your System Supervisor for the correct TCP/IP address.
See chapter 3 (Macintosh) or 4 (PC) to install and configure
Command Center on your host computer.
Note: If you perform a factory reset, the TCP/IP address reverts
back to the XANTÉ factory default address.