6-18 Configurationbb ______________________________________
The duplexer must be configured as an option in the PPD before you
can select it through the Print dialog box. See chapter 3 (Macintosh) or 4
(PC) for details.
Note: The duplexer option is not available on the Accel-a-Writer
3G if a 2400 dpi resolution or NEIT upgrade is installed.
Also, duplexing RAM requirements vary according to media
size. See “Printer Memory Requirements” in chapter 9.
Enhanced Screening Technology
XANTÉ’s Enhanced Screening Technology (3G) allows you to increase
the number of levels of gray produced for a line screen setting.
Set Enhanced Screening from the MISC:SCREEN configuration
menu or the Print dialog box Enhanced Screens menu. Normal, the
factory default, uses the line screen set in your application. Enhanced
Screening options are 145 Gray Levels, 197 Gray Levels, and 256
Gray Levels. The following chart lists the line screen setting for each
option at different resolutions.
Levels Line Screens
of Gray 600 dpi 1200 dpi 2400 dpi
145 70 lpi 140 lpi 282 lpi
197 60 lpi 120 lpi 242 lpi
256 53 lpi 106 lpi 212 lpi
Note: Accurate Screens is active in the PPD only if the Enhanced
Screens menu is set to Normal.
Fast Imaging
Adobe PostScript 3’s Fast Imaging feature allows you to select from
two methods of image data compression for faster printing when
image quality is not the primary concern.
Set Fast Imaging from your application Print dialog box.