6-34 Configurationbb ______________________________________
Printer Timeout
The Timeout feature allows you to select the number of seconds the
printer waits for additional data before cancelling a job and returning
to the READY/IDLE state.
Set Timeout from the MISC:TIMEOUT configuration menu. The
factory default of 40 seconds (40 Sec) is an average setting. Set
timeout according to the type of files you send. Use a low setting for
small, simple files to prevent an indefinite tie-up on one job. Use the
300 or Never setting for large files, such as graphic intensive or CAD
(Computer Aided Design) files, to allow enough processing time.
With the NEVER selection, the printer does not timeout; it waits
until it receives additional data or until the printer is reset.
RAM Disk
RAM Disk allows you to set aside a section of printer RAM to be
used as a read/write device for implementing XANTÉ’s Font
Set RAM Disk from the MISC:RAM DISK configuration menu. 0,
the factory default, disables RAM disk. Options are in 1 MB
increments to the maximum available RAM, which is the installed
RAM minus 32 MB (the base amount of RAM required by the
system). The printer must be restarted for the RAM disk setting to
become active.
Resolution Options
The standard configuration is 600 x 600 dpi for the Accel-a-Writer
3N and 3DN with a 1200 x 1200 upgrade available. The 3G has
standard 600 x 600 and 1200 x 1200 dpi resolutions, which print at
20 page per minute for letter/A4 size paper. The optional 2400 x
2400 upgrade for the 3G includes all standard Accel-a-Writer 3G
features and provides 10 page per minute printing of letter/A4 size
paper at all three resolutions.