_____________________________________ Troubleshooting 11-9
Note: If your printer is configured as a Novell Print
Server and the Novell network becomes
unavailable, the printer may disable the Novell
Print Server interface. When the Novell network
is available, re-enable the interface using the
front panel configuration menus or XANTÉ
Command Center.
• Make sure the Macintosh or PC is configured properly to
communicate using the Ethernet connection. See chapter 5.
• Make sure the printer is on line. See “Interface Control” in
chapter 6.
• Make sure the network is available.
• Reduce the number of items on the network to determine
the source of the problem.
• Make sure that you are using a crossover or UTP test cable
if your are using twisted pair cable to direct connect a
printer and a Ethernet configured host without a hub.
• Do not use a transceiver that allows devices to daisy chain
on a twisted pair network.
When I print an image that I have scanned, it is so dark that much of
the detail is lost.
• Adjust the printer’s gamma setting to change the image’s
midrange grayscale values. See “Halftone Calibration
Technology (Gamma)” in chapter 6.
• Rescan the image with a higher resolution. Generally,
black and white images should be scanned at a resolution
of 2 times the line screen desired on the printed output.
Multiply this number by the ratio of the printed output size
to the original image size.
SR = Print Image LPI x 2 x Image Size Ratio
SR = the Scan resolution
Image Size Ratio = printed image size/original image size