4-42 PC Setupbb __________________________________________
Advanced Gamma Control
If you are an expert user, you may want to adjust image lowlights,
midtones, highlights and details in a gamma curve using the
Advanced option in the Linearization window.
Note: You cannot see advanced window adjustments on screen.
Unless you are an advanced user, you should make these
adjustments through an application.
1. Select the gamma curve to update from Update Transfer Curve
in the Linearization window (fig. 4.23).
2. Click Advanced. The Advanced Settings window appears (fig.
4.26). Use the appropriate scroll bars to make the adjustment
and click OK to return to the Linearization window (fig. 4.23).
Fig. 4.26 Advanced Gamma Settings
3. Click Enter Curve/Linearize to create a new curve and
download it to your printer. The Densitometer Data Entry
window appears (fig. 4.25).
4. Click Linearize (fig. 4.25). The new curve replaces the existing
curve on your printer. The Linearization window reappears.