Configure the network settings
ATP-CNX-040-01 Rel. 1.3, Doc. Rev. 01.07 1-11
Aastra CNX Installation and Setup Procedures
Configure the network settings
The following is required before you configure the Aastra CNX for the first time:
• The Aastra CNX must physically be connected to your console using an
RS-232/DB-9 cable.
• The Aastra CNX must physically be connected to your network interface via
the Ethernet port(s).
• The Aastra CNX must be turned on.
• You must be running a terminal emulator on your PC. Terminal emulator must
be set as follows:
— Baud Rate 9600
—Data 8 bit
— Parity None
—Stop 1 bit
—Flow Control None
After powering up the Aastra CNX, a network script runs in a terminal emulator
window allowing you to initially configure the unit for your network.
The following procedure describes how to configure the network settings.
Note: If at any time during the initial configuration process, you want to
backout of the configuration, press <ESC> to cancel.