1-6 General Description
Table 1-2 Operating System Environments
Operating System Description
Windows 95 Supports both desktop and mobile operation with Plug and Play capabilities and
Advanced Power Management; multimedia options, and choice of wallpaper to
customize different computer resources; variety of device drivers including C&T®
65550, ESS 1878 Sound Device Drivers, PC-Card Bus Socket Services and
Card Services Device Drivers, TranXit™ Communication Utility for parallel/serial
and FIR (IrDA™), 0V Suspend Utility PhDisk and SafeOFF Utility
Windows NT Supports both desktop and mobile operation with Advanced Power Management;
multimedia options, and choice of wallpaper to customize different computer
resources; variety of device drivers including C&T® 65550, ESS 1878 Sound
Device Drivers, PC-Card Bus Socket Services and Card Services Device Drivers,
TranXit™ Communication Utility for parallel/serial and FIR (IrDA™)
Windows/DOS 6.22 This environment has some limitations in the Plug and Play area; includes
utilities and various device drivers including C&T® 65550, ESS 1878 Sound
Device Drivers, PC-Card Bus Socket Services and Card Services Device Drivers,
and TranXit™ Serial Infrared (IrDA™) Device Drivers, etc.
1.3.3 67x Series External Ports
The Extensa 67x Series notebooks have a variety of external ports (connectors) for the desktop
environment as shown in Figure 1-3 and summarized in Table 1-3.
Figure 1-3 External Ports