Jumper and Connector Locations 5-7
Steps for BIOS Recovery from USB Storage 0
Prior to performing the recovery, prepare a Crisis USB key. The Crisis USB key is
created by executing the Crisis Disk program on another system with Windows 7 OS.
To Create a Crisis USB key, perform the following:
1. Format the USB storage disk using the Fast Format option.
2. Save ROM file (file name: ZYF.fd) to the root directory of USB storage. Make sure that
there is no other BIOS file saved in the same directory.
3. Plug USB storage into USB port.
4. Press <Fn + ESC> button then plug in AC power.
5. The Power button flashes once.
6. Press Power button to initiate system CRISIS mode.
7. When CRISIS is complete, the system auto restarts with a workable BIOS.
8. Update the latest version BIOS for this machine by regular BIOS flashing process.