AEG Thyro-P Network Cables User Manual

Thyro-Tool Familiy may be employed as an alternative to LBA and as already stated above has the
following functions, for which several windows may be opened simultaneously:
• set point and actual value processing with overview display for 22 set point/actual value input
options for Motorpoti and total set points.
• loading, storing, modifi cation and printing of parameters
• comparison of parameters
It is possible to compare two sets of parameters (Power Controller or data fi le). It is thus possible,
to detect deviations from the desired confi guration.
• line diagrams of process data with printing function, as well as storage of faults (diverse measured
values from different Thyristor Power Controllers may be displayed simultaneously).
• bar diagram display
It is possible to simultaneously display several bar diagrams. Each diagram has its own window.
These can be adjusted in size and location. The confi guration of the display may be stored.
• simultaneous display of data and parameters from several Power Controllers
• simultaneous connection of up to 998 Thyro-P Power Controllers using fi bre optic distributors
• settings of the interface (baud rate, com...)
Thyro-Tool Familiy is supplied with a help system and installed on the PC under user guidance
using an installation software.
In the above illustration, you can see windows containing:
- 1 line diagram with several measured values
- 4 bar diagram (several are possible), as well as
- 1 parameter input section
- 1 actual value display
The location of the windows may be adjusted to the requirements by the user.