Faults can occur in the load circuit and in the Power Controller itself. Often, the sequence of fault
indications or events is decisive for a positive diagnosis. Diagnosis of unexpected operating behavi-
our is performed by LEDs on the front panel of the control device, with parameter comparison
(whereby the modifi ed parameters may be listed), as well as by reading from the Thyro-P fault
memory (data log). In Thyro-P, faults occurring and indications are entered in the fault memory with
the event time and are preserved in case of mains outage as well. Up to 16 entries are possible.
If further entries are made, then the fi rst entry is overwritten. Therefore, the most current 16 events
may be recalled at any time. Should faults or incidents occur, the selected operation display on the
LBA will show status indications.
The indication is of the format
yyyymmdd hhmmss [ fault ] [ value ]
The status line only appears in the operation display (see fi g. 7).
When using Thyro-Tool Familiy and an active line diagram, for any faults occuring their respective
indications are displayed in a window and stored on disk associated with the line diagram.
Using an optional bus interfecace (e.g. Profi bus DP, a corresponding indication is automatically
The status indications (faults, warnings, messages) generated by Thyro-P may, as already menti-
oned, be classifi ed as load and as Power Controller faults. Depending on the application, warnings
or status messages may be read.
Data log
yyyymmdd hhmmss
[ fault no. ] [ limiting value ]
All indications may be switched to the data log and the relays deviating from default settings.